November 1, 2016


AssemblyWeldflow has the capability of not only manufacturing sheet metal parts made from stainless steel, aluminum or metal but also, we provide assembling of units depending on the process required such as welding: Tig or Mig. Spot welding, clinching or attaching other non-metallic parts with different processes as established by the customer design specification.

Weldflow offers contract manufacturing and assembly services for our customers’ metal parts. At Weldflow, we consider assembling process as equally detrimental for the viability of a product function. A product’s components could be perfectly engineered and designed and within budget, but if the method of assembly is not ideal or process of assembling is not chosen correctly, can result in failure. Our engineers decide on the assembling process based on the functionality of the part, number of components, and other factors usually help in determining the right assembly process. The following are the methods usually chosen but not limited to:

Mechanical (hardware) Assembly: Use different types of hardware or fasteners (bolts, nuts, screws, etc) to assemble multiple parts together.

Weld Assembly: Fuses together one or more parts of metal together to become one. At times filler metal, can be added depending on the welding process adapted.

Spot Weld Assembly: Joins and aids in bonding two pieces of component flanges together and made from various sheet metal thicknesses. We use this method for drawers, cabinets, enclosure boxes and host of other applications.

Rivet Assembly: In Weldflow, we usually use this mode of assembling that use different type of material and is also great for assemblies that need shear strength.

Brazing / Soldering Assembly: This method is adapted for certain flashing or round elements like pipe elements. A filler metal that is melted to a certain temperature and which will be able to bond two components together. This is also valid for two different types of metals.

Weldflow offers such services to host of different industries such as like HVAC, Lighting, electronics / precision equipment, alternative energy, appliance, furniture & fixture, transportation, agriculture and industrial / commercial machinery etc.

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